We provide immediate help to neighbors in crisis.
When a neighbor is in trouble, CMONA stands ready to offer a helping hand.
We start with a comprehensive assessment to discover exactly what the family or individual truly needs. We listen to their challenges and develop action plans to help them navigate their crisis so they can finally become self-sufficient. Our assessment allows us to minister to families holistically.
Our Holistic Assessment

Meet immediate physical needs.
This includes food and clothing, of course, plus we refer to several partnering agencies for emergency and transitional housing needs. Transportation is also often an immediate physical need. If one of our neighbors is ill and can’t afford medication, we will help with that need.
Meet spiritual needs.
In partnership with local churches, CMONA offers a place where people can come to grips with their need to forgive and be forgiven, to love and be loved, to live in faith and not fear. Part of the Forward in Faith campaign involves expanding our spiritual support by building close referral partnerships with trained Christian counselor. Also, we plan to offer a mentor program where local churches and small groups can send members who are willing to pray with, listen to, and come alongside of an individual or family.

Meet mental health needs.
Many of those who live in poverty and unemployment are afflicted by mental health issues. This can be exacerbated when they cannot afford needed medication. CMONA helps by providing their prescription drugs and by referring them to our partners who can address these needs.
Meet behavioral needs.
Sometimes the biggest issues our clients have are to learn basic life skills. In many cases, adults haven’t learned things many of us take for granted, like budgeting or how to succeed in a job interview. CMONA has resources who can offer things like employment coaching.

Meet social needs.
With the stress of trying–and sometimes failing–to make ends meet, relationships often suffer. CMONA also provides help with improving social skills, as well as encouraging reconciliation with those who may have hurt or been hurt by our client.
We provide dignity and hope to area families in crisis.
Our goal is to do more than just give a handout to those who ask. We desire to see people improve their lives and become fully self-reliant.